Thursday, November 25, 2010

An insight of the Health Care System

.......السلام عليكم ورحمة الله وبركاته

First, let us define the words.

Health care:
The act of taking preventative or necessary medical procedures to improve
a person’s well-being. This may be done with surgery, the administering of medicine,
or other alterations in
a person's lifestyle.

System :
Organized, purposeful structure regarded as a 'whole' consisting of
interrelated and interdependent elements (comp
onents, entities, factors, members, parts etc.).
These elements continually influence one another (directly or indirectly) to maintain
their activity and the
existence of the system,
in order to ACHIEVE the COMMON purpose or GOAL of the system.

(a) Inputs, outputs, and feedback mechanism

(b) Every system is a part of a larger system, is composed of sub-systems, and shares common properties with other systems that help in transferring understanding and solutions from one system to another. Systems stop functioning (or malfunction) when an element is removed or altered significantly.

Healthcare system:
Designed to meet the health care needs of target populations.
There are a wide variety of health care systems around the world.
Complex of facilities, organization, and trained personnel engaged
in providing health care within a geographical area.

National Health System (Sistem Kesihatan Nasional, SKN) is an institution that collects the various efforts of Indonesia to ensure the health status as the highest manifestation of the general welfare as defined in the Pembukaan UUD 1945.

The sub-system in SKN are:

• Service delivery (Upaya Kesehatan)
• Health Financing
(Pembiayaan Kesehatan)
• Human Resources for Health (
Sumber Daya Manusia Kesehatan)
•Essential Medical Products and Technologies
(Farmasi,Alkes,Makanan & Minuman)
• Health Information and Management
(Manajemen & Informasi Kesehatan)
• Community empowerment
(Pemberdayaan Masyarakat)

***2 elements of Service delivery (Upaya kesehatan):
• PUBLIC HEALTH SERVICE (Upaya Kesehatan Masyarakat, UKM)
• PERSONAL HEALTH SERVICE (Upaya Kesehatan Perorangan, UKP)


- Every activity of government and /or community, to maintain and increase the health, preventing & overcoming the problem of cases in the community

- Involve the promotion of health, eradication of communicable & non-communicable diseases, environmental health & supply basic sanitation, community’s nutrition improvement, securing the use of addictive substances in food & beverage, security of narcotics, psychotropic substances, addictive substances and hazardous materials, as well as disaster relief & humanitarian aid


- Every activity of government and /or community, to maintain and increase the health, preventing & overcoming the individual problems

- Involving the promotion of health, disease prevention, medical care, hospitalization, disability & rehabilitation restrictions on individuals.

Health care system generally involves the Medical Health Service and Community Health Services. In Indonesia, Hospital (Rumah Sakit) known as medical health service while Primary Health Center (Pusat Kesehatan Masyarakat, Puskesmas) consist of both medical health service and community health services. It also has PUSTU (PUSKESMAS pembantu) and PUSLING(PUSKESMAS keliling) to help in delivering its services to the community.

> subsytem of health services (click to enlarge)

Functions of the HOSPITAL

• To provide and organize:
• Medical Services
• Medical Support services
• Rehabilitative services
• Prevention and health improvement
• As a place of education and training of medical staff.

Functions of PUSKESMAS:
-Public health development center
-Building community participation to promote healthy life behaviors
-Provide Comprehensive and integrated health care services
-As a technical institution, it shall have a managerial capabilities and long-term vision to improve the quality of health services
-Planning, managing and evaluating
-Using update related information and techniques to improve the comprehensive and integrated health services
-Administration, as a technical unit of the district government office via the district health office
-Hierarchical health service, as a primary health service facility

> example of Health System in Malaysia .

Source: Sirajoon Noor Ghani & Hematram Yadav (2008) Health Care in
Malaysia. KL: UM Press. p.38



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