Tuesday, November 23, 2010

Disaster~ 1) actual meaning behind it..

.......السلام عليكم ورحمة الله وبركاته

Hi, I am back to campus again.. When I first reach Jogja, I am glad that the surroundings are still the same plus no major damage happened except for volcanic ashes still cover parts of my house yard.

DISASTER~ Emm, today I would like to discuss a bit about it. We know that volcanic eruption is a disaster. Tsunami is a disaster. A sudden earthquake is a disaster. But what does it really means?

sudden ecological phenomenon of sufficient magnitude to require external assistance - WHO

“ Bencana adalah peristiwa atau rangkaian peristiwa yang mengancam dan mengganggu kehidupan dan penghidupan yang disebabkan, baik oleh faktor alam dan/atau faktor nonalam maupun faktor manusia sehingga mengakibatkan timbulnya korban jiwa manusia, kerusakan lingkungan, kerugian harta benda, dan dampak psikologis.” - Undang-Undang No 24 Tahun 2007 Disaster Management in Indonesia.

From all the above definition, we can conclude that DISASTER is a serious widespread disruption; of the functioning of a community causing human, material, economic, or environmental losses which exceed the ability of the affected community to cope using its own resources.

There are many terms used in the concept of disaster which are:

1) Hazard - something that contain energy

2) Risk - probability that something negative will occur
3) Event - realization of hazard
4) Impact - contact between event and society
5) Damage - Negative result from the impact of an event
6) Change of social function - as a result of the damage
7) Disaster - when external aids are needed for recovery and make new changes
* it will only be an EVENT if needs NO external aids to recover!

Classification of hazards (Sudden or slow onset)

Natural (physical)


-Weather related (meteorological)

-Earth movement

1. External (topographical)

2. Internal (tectonics & tellurics)

- Industrial disasters

- Nuclear accidents

- Chemical accidents

- Fires

- Wars, civil strife

- Structural failures

Natural (biological)

1. Epidemics

2. Infestations

The examples of natural disasters based on the origin:

1. Meteorological - Hurricanes, cyclones, tornadoes, typhoons

- Heavy rains, thunderstorms, floods, snow-storms

- Drought and famine

- Heat waves, cold waves

2. Topographical - Landslides and avalanches

3. Tectonics and tellurics - Earthquakes & Volcanic eruptions

4. Epidemics - Yellow fever, Cholera, Meningitis

5. Infestations - Locust invasions & Mealy bug infestation

1) WHO- definition of disaster.
2) Addis Ababa, July 1998. Emergency Health Training Programme for Africa, Panafrican Emergency Training Centre. WHO/EHA.
3) Lecture “Conceptual Framework of Disaster and Disaster Management" by dr. Hendro Wartatmo, Sp. B-KBD.

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